DPDK uses a local SSL certificate to ensure a similar environment as if you where on production.
To update the local *.dev.dpdk.com certificate please run the following commands:
vagrant ssh
sudo su
cd /var/source/_scripts/build
chmod 755 ./update-dev-certificate.sh
Is the update-dev-certificate.sh
missing in your project then please follow the procedure below:
Add the following files to your project:
- hosts: all
- vars.yml
become: true
- { role: dpdk/nginx, when: enable_nginx }
localhost ansible_connection=local
echo "Removing old files..."
rm -rf /root/downloadcert
echo "Running Ansible..."
ansible-playbook -i /var/source/_scripts/vagrant/ansible/hosts /var/source/_scripts/vagrant/ansible/certificate.yml
Add the following files to your project:
- hosts: all
- vars.yml
become: true
- { role: dpdk/apache, when: enable_apache }
localhost ansible_connection=local
echo "Removing old files..."
rm -rf /root/downloadcert
echo "Running Ansible..."
ansible-playbook -i /var/source/_scripts/vagrant/ansible/hosts /var/source/_scripts/vagrant/ansible/certificate.yml
Last modified | Monday, January 25, 2021, 3:22:12 PM UTC |
Last author | Glenn de Haan |
Commit ID | 962f9a5 |